Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Them check say me come from cosmo spring,
But a true dem no know and ting,
Dem no know say we top ranking,
Uptown Top Ranking ..

Yesterday's trips to and from Leeds reminded me why I started to hate public transport and people when they're combined. Dare I say it without sounding like some 18th century bourgois onlooker, the journey there was so chock full of such dysfunctional family groups and general tossmongers that my will to live hung in the balance.

The best one had to be a family of 4 who were going to York. I know this because mother wouldn't shut up about it. Father was a strange sort of black wife-beater type with an 80's pornstar moustache; think Lando Calrissian but bald. He cracks open a tinnie.

Their eldest daughter, with a face like a watermelon, demands crisps, raving about what kind of pissing hair extensions she's going to have before, during and after their holiday to Spain in 2 weeks. She's one of those people who giggles in a kind of gay hyperactive way, like they're wired up to a drip full of liquefied Haribo.

"Am in a proper good mood today, me" she announces loudly for the benefit of the train. Cheers for that love.

The younger sister, with hair like carrotty sick, who until now has been playing on a pink nintendo DS with 'princess' engraved on the back in silver now decides she doesn't like crisps and tearfully demands alternative snacks. Mother coos and Lando half-arsedly complies and sends one of those fruit winder things over, which shuts her the hell up. Mother reads aloud from 'OK' magazine, an article to the tune of 'I was raped and left for dead by my ex, but I have come away a stronger woman even though I probably won't walk for 6 weeks.'

"Aw, that's well harsh is that", notes Watermelon.

Have you ever shared a moment with a train passenger whom you've never met before; a moment where you glance at each other and with that one passing second of eye contact, the message 'you hate this family too, right?' is immediately conveyed? I have.

There's some kind of delay between Huddersfield and Leeds. We plod along at a snails pace. Carrot-sick whines for more fruit winders. Watermelon contemplates eye makeup. Mother shares 'OK' magazine. Lando opens another can.

The train rolls on.